Geir Sundstøl releases a nostalgic and dreamy second single from his upcoming album.
On May 23, 2025, Geir Sundstøl will release his new album, Sakte Film, his sixth solo album on the Hubro label. The year also marks his tenth anniversary as a solo artist. The single “Beveg”, out today, is the second single from the album.

Geir shares:
"While working on Sakte Film, I first built the framework for each track. I played my instruments —on Beveg, for example, you’ll hear National guitar, marxophone, timpani, pedal steel, bass harmonica, and optigan. Then, I tweak and edit until it sounds right. After that, I invite musicians whom I believe can add that little extra touch."
"For this album, I got help from the band Spirit In The Dark—or rather, I got help from Anders Engen, David Wallumrød, and Audun Erlien. I’m not sure what happened to that band during the holiday party season, but they offered to play for cheap if they could switch instruments and record separately. The result was… decent. In the end, they came back and played their usual instruments —though with a week's break between sessions. It turned out great, but next time, I hope we can play together!"
"The track Beveg will be featured on Sakte Film, which will be released in May 2025. It is a good representation of what you’ll find on the album. Sakte Film moves even slower than my previous records. Despite my young age, my finger dexterity is in decline—which I’m totally fine with. Instead of trying to hide this fact, I ‘embrace the limitations of my joints.’ The music gains an unintended, yet ever-increasing, sense of calm."
Sakte Film was recorded at Geir’s own Studio Intim and will be released on LP, CD, and digital formats via Hubro on May 23, 2025.

- Geir Sundstøl – National guitar, marxophone, timpani, pedal steel, bass harmonica, optigan
- Anders Engen – Drums
- David Wallumrød – Clavinet
- Audun Erlien – Bass
Jade Marie Hasselgård
About us
Grappa Musikkforlag was established in 1983, and is the oldest and largest independent record company in Norway. Home of many prestigious labels including Hubro, Simax Classics, Odin, Blue Mood, Heilo, Barneselskapet and Grappa label. Close collaborations with other strong indies, including Rune Grammofon and Drabant. A wide variety of genres includes jazz, folk, classical, contemporary, pop, rock, blues, singer/songwriter – all from Norwegian artists of the highest quality.

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