Arve Tellefsen Celebrates 88 Years with the Re-release of Two Legendary Violin Concertos
Today two monumental highlights from Arve Tellefsen's long and impressive career will be re-released and digitized: the violin concertos by Beethoven and Shostakovich.

LISTEN HERE - Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61 (Remaster)
LISTEN HERE - Shostakovich: Violin Concerto No. 1 Op. 77
Arve Tellefsen has been Norway's undisputedly most beloved classical musician throughout a long and luminous career. He is a national icon, a figure of cultural unity whose contributions to classical music in Norway are unparalleled. Tellefsen has offered countless unforgettable moments over his lifetime, and even today, he remains active, practicing his violin daily. Nowadays, his performances tend to be more intimate, focusing on chamber music and lighter repertoire. It is extraordinary that, at his age, Tellefsen continues to captivate and move audiences in a way only he can. While it has been many years since Tellefsen performed as a soloist with a major symphony orchestra in some of the world’s most renowned violin concertos, his legacy lives on through recordings for radio, television, and albums.
On December 14th, Arve Tellefsen turns 88, and to mark the occasion, two violin concertos that represent significant milestones in his career are being re-released. The first is Dmitri Shostakovich's Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 77, recorded in 1973 and never previously digitized. The second is Ludwig van Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61, recorded in 1994 and now remastered. These violin concertos are part of the core repertoire for violinists and are among the most frequently performed works in the classical canon.
The recording of Shostakovich's concerto from 1973 holds a special place in Tellefsen’s heart. Shostakovich composed the piece for his friend, the violinist David Oistrakh. Tellefsen first heard the work as a young student in Copenhagen in 1957 or 1958, performed by none other than Oistrakh himself. The performance left an indelible impression on the young Tellefsen, inspiring him to master the concerto himself.
At the time of the recording, Tellefsen was the concertmaster of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra. He recalls with fondness how his fellow musicians eagerly collaborated to make the recording exceptional. Their enthusiasm, combined with Tellefsen’s intensity and expressive interpretation, resulted in a deeply compelling performance.
Today, the Shostakovich concerto takes on additional significance as the composer was Russian, and his dedicatee, David Oistrakh, was Ukrainian—a poignant reminder of cultural connections across borders.
The Beethoven violin concerto was recorded in 1994 with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and conductor Vernon Handley. This recording followed a celebrated concert in London where Tellefsen performed the same piece with the orchestra to critical acclaim. The recording, now available in 24-bit sound quality, offers improved audio fidelity for modern listeners.
In preparation for this project, Tellefsen had the privilege of studying with the legendary Hungarian violinist Joseph Szigeti during a week-long course in the United States. Szigeti’s insights into the romantic performance style of Beethoven’s era profoundly influenced Tellefsen’s interpretation. He adopted slightly slower tempos in certain sections, resulting in a more reflective and introspective approach, showcasing his signature sound and expressive tone.
These recordings unequivocally demonstrate Tellefsen’s exceptional artistry and international stature from the 1970s through the 2000s. Recording such seminal violin concertos with some of the world’s leading orchestras is a testament to his extraordinary talent.
Unlike writers or visual artists, whose works can be experienced by future generations, a performing musician's legacy lives on primarily through recordings. These re-releases are invaluable not only to Tellefsen but also to audiences who may never have had the opportunity to hear him perform these masterworks live.
With characteristic humility, Tellefsen admits to being somewhat surprised by how well he played in these recordings. He feels both proud and grateful that the performances have stood the test of time. Indeed, it is a sentiment we can all share.

Critical Acclaim from Original Releases
Shostakovich: Violin Concerto No. 1
The Daily Telegraph:
"From the opening phrases of the tragic Nocturne, played with a strong but sweet uncloying tone, it was clear that Mr. Tellefsen was an outstanding player, able to cope easily with the pyrotechnics and also to encompass its variety of emotion. In fact, there were times when he made the Shostakovich a bigger, more cohesive work even than did its dedicatee, David Oistrakh." -
Music and Musicians:
"Tellefsen's mastery of the virtuoso elements of this concerto was such that his total understanding of its underlying profundity was able to emerge with the utmost clarity." -
Musical America:
"Tellefsen's startling and electric performance of the Shostakovich."
Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61
Svenska Dagbladet:
"Overwhelming ovations rewarded a masterful interpretation." -
Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm:
"We have a Nordic Paganini. His tone, with its sensuous and enchanting power, is a sensation in itself. His playing was heartfelt, and his technique flawless."

Jade Marie Hasselgård
Tel:+47 952 21 196jade@grappa.noImages
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Grappa Musikkforlag was established in 1983, and is the oldest and largest independent record company in Norway. Home of many prestigious labels including Hubro, Simax Classics, Odin, Blue Mood, Heilo, Barneselskapet and Grappa label. Close collaborations with other strong indies, including Rune Grammofon and Drabant. A wide variety of genres includes jazz, folk, classical, contemporary, pop, rock, blues, singer/songwriter – all from Norwegian artists of the highest quality.

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