Grappa Musikkforlag AS

Trondheim Jazz Orchestra and Espen Berg presents MAETRIX


MAETRIX had it´s world premiere on Moldejazz in 2017 reveiwers were extatic and Nettavisen wrote: "A Work for Eternity". On August 30th the beautiful work will finally be released on LP and digitally. 

Photo: Bjørn Willadsen Color: Nick Alexander
Photo: Bjørn Willadsen Color: Nick Alexander


In 2016, the Norwegian pianist and composer Espen Berg was commissioned to write for the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra. With the opportunity to hand-pick a line-up consisting of 14 of Scandinavia’s most creative and prolific jazz artists, Espen grasped this opportunity with both hands and a mind bursting with ideas. MAETRIX premiered at Molde Int’l Jazz Festival in 2017 to a standing ovation, making the audience shake their head in awe. However, MAETRIX isn’t just an impressive feat, it’s also incredibly beautiful music. 

With MAETRIX, Espen has solidified his call to explore a kind of music where complex rhythms are paired with strong, heartfelt melodies. The name itself combines the 1999 blockbuster movie title The Matrix, with metrics. Similar to the movie, the listener can choose which reality to listen to, either intellectually by diving into the mechanical and the conceptual, or emotionally by getting carried away by the melodies and the music as a whole.

The Trondheim Jazz Orchestra demonstrates yet again to inherit a flexibility and agility more commonly associated with smaller bands. Every musician add their personal rendition to the scores, transcending the music and make it come alive. MAETRIX has been performed at seven festivals and venues in Norway and Sweden, and it was recorded in Rainbow Studio, Oslo in May 2021 by Martin Abrahamsen. For Espen it has been a defining project, and many of the songs have lived on in his trio. It also laid the groundwork for Water Fabric, which was released in November 2023. As an «about time»-moment, MAETRIX will finally be available on Odin Records on Aug 30.

"Musicality of this caliber is rare to experience" - Hamar Arbeiderblad

Albumcover by Nick Alexander

Espen Berg - piano, komposisjoner                      

Eirik Hegdal - sopran- og baritonsax

Kirsti Huke - vokal                                                 

Sissel Vera Pettersen - altsax, vokal

Hayden Powell - trompet                                      

Hanna Paulsberg - tenorsax

Hildegunn Øiseth - trompet, bukkehorn               

Adrian Waade - fiolin

Daniel Herskedal - tuba, basstrompet                 

Marianne Baudouin Lie - cello

Rob Waring - vibrafon                                           

Ole Morten Vågan - kontrabass

Tomas Järmyr  - trommer                                     

Hans Hulbækmo - trommer




Photo: Bjørn Willadsen
Photo: Bjørn Willadsen
Album cover by Nick Alexander
Album cover by Nick Alexander
Soundcheck photo by Andre Løyning
Soundcheck photo by Andre Løyning


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