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Aqua Bio Technology ASA

Aqua Bio Technology ASA

Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) is developing and commercializing sustainable biotechnology for use in skincare products. ABT's cosmetics ingredients are highly effective and they provide the cosmetics industry with natural alternatives to traditional ingredients. ABT is also marketing and distributing natural skincare products developed by partners towards consumers and professional users. ABT's focus on commercialization and development of natural ingredients and natural skincare products has been, and will continue to be, an important part of the Company's strategy going forward. Aqua Bio Technology is listed on the Euronext Expand market of the Oslo Stock Exchange.

  • Aqua Bio Technology ASA
  • Fornebuveien 37
  • N-1366 Lysaker
Oslo Børs
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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA – SHARE CAPITAL INCREASE REGISTERED4.7.2024 10:08:04 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Total number of voting rights and capital

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement from Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") on 28 June 2024, regarding the Company's board of directors' resolution to issue a total of 5,908,935 new shares (the "New Shares") in connection with the settlement of the purchase price for ABT's acquisition of Ovalen AS and the buy-out of Varming Holding AS related to the Company's acquisition of Cosmed Beauty AS and Ultrabody AB. The New Shares will be delivered on a separate ISIN pending publication of an EEA listing prospectus approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The share capital increase pertaining to the issuance of the New Shares has today been registered with the Norwegian Registry of Business Enterprises (Nw. Foretaksregisteret). ABT's new share capital is NOK 161,223,182.50 divided into 64,489,273 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 2,50. For further information, please contact Håvard Lindstrøm, CEO, telephone +47 941 32 288. * Aqua Bio Tech

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Framework agreement for the strategic use of AI2.7.2024 13:12:01 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Non-regulatory press releases

Aqua Bio Technology ASA (ABT) and SeeyouAI have entered into a strategic framework agreement on using artificial intelligence (AI) for ABT's existing and future portfolio companies. ABT and SeeyouAI have entered into a framework agreement for AI solutions for ABT's portfolio companies. The goal is to save resources and enable previously impossible services by improving customer service, employee support, purchasing optimization, inventory management, and market intelligence. About seeyouAI SeeyouAI has, over the past four years, spent over 300,000 development hours developing seeyouGPT, the core of a set of European GDPR-compliant AI assistants for the corporate and private markets. The company has a wide range of Norway's most reputable investors on the ownership side, and the technology has been pre-tested in over 100 countries. See the links below for press release and note for seeyouGPT's open beta launch for consumers. - Norwegian Press release SeeyouGPT: https://kommunikasjon.ntb

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: Cosmed and Ovalen AS settlement28.6.2024 14:46:59 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Total number of voting rights and capital

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcements made by Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") on 12 April and 23 April 2024, respectively, regarding the completion of ABT's acquisition of Ovalen AS and the settlement of the earn-out in relation to the Company's acquisition of Cosmed Beauty AS and Ultrabody AB (jointly, "Cosmed"). The Company's board of directors has resolved to issue 1,200,000 consideration shares at a subscription price of NOK 5 per consideration share to the previous owner of Ovalen AS. Moreover, for accounting purposes, the buy-out owed to Varming Holding AS in connection with the Company's acquisition of Cosmed has been rescinded, and the settlement of the buy-out has been agreed to be amended. On this basis, the Company's board of directors has resolved to issue 4,707,935 shares at a subscription price of NOK 4 to Varming Holding AS, with the share deposit being settled by way of set-off. **** For further information, please contact CEO Håvard Lin

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Minutes of Annual General Meeting published28.6.2024 14:26:17 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

All resolutions were made in accordance with the proposals set out in the AGM notice including renewal of board authorizations. Minutes from the AGM are attached to this notice. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. For further information, please contact Håvard Lindstrøm, CEO, telephone +47 941 32 288. Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) is developing and commercializing sustainable biotechnology for use in skin care products. ABT's cosmetics ingredients are highly effective and they provide the cosmetics industry with natural alternatives to traditional ingredients. ABT is also marketing and distributing natural skin care products developed by partners towards consumers and professional users. ABT's focus on commercialization and development of natural ingredients and natural skin care products has been, and will continue to be, an important part of the Company's strategy going forward. ABT is listed on the

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA har tilbakelagt 2023 med økte inntekter i forhold til 2022 og resultater på nivå med 2022.27.6.2024 08:58:44 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Annual financial and audit reports

Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" og sammen med sine datterselskaper, "Konsernet") hadde driftsinntekter på 18,7 millioner kroner i 2023, sammenlignet med 7,2 millioner kroner året før. ABT fikk en EBITDA på -12,1 millioner kroner i fjor, sammenlignet med -14,7 millioner kroner i 2021. Årsresultatet for 2023 endte på -21 millioner kroner, mot -18,1 millioner kroner året før. Økt interesse for selskapets aksjer ABT har en offensiv tilnærming til markedet og vil fortsette ekspansjonen. Dette kan gi ABT fortrinn innen både bla varekjøpsbetingelser, økte marginer og posisjonerer selskapet i distribusjonsleddet. Ved å ta en sterk posisjon i Norden vil selskapet lettere kunne utvide markedsområdene utover det nordiske nabolaget. En kombinasjon av en kort- og langsiktig ekspansjonsplan med en opportunistisk tilnærming, er suksessfaktor for ABT fremover. ABT har som målsetting å innta en posisjon som topp tre i norsk skjønnhetsindustri innen 2026. Forventet omsetning i 2024 Basert på omsetning fø

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: Agreement in principle to acquire Jetcarrier AS, a major international warehouse and logistic group12.6.2024 08:49:47 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Inside information

Aqua Bio Technology ("ABT" or the "Company" and together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, the "ABT Group") entered into an agreement in principle on 11 June 2024 with the shareholders of Jetcarrier AS to acquire all outstanding shares in Jetcarrier AS (together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, the "Jetcarrier Group") (the "Acquisition"). The Jetcarrier Group is a logistic and customs clearance expert with advanced technological capabilities. Jetcarrier Group handles millions of parcels for the B2B and B2C market every year and has had steady growth since its inception in 2000. The revenues in 2023 were close to 350 MNOK with an EBITDA of 13 MNOK. Jetcarrier Group's unaudited numbers for the first quarter of 2024 showed an average growth of 6% in revenues compared to 2023 and 30% in EBITDA. The Q1 numbers are preliminary and should be regarded as estimates. For 2024, Jetcarrier Group expects to generate revenues of approximately 365 MNOK. Today, the Jetcarrier Group is working wit

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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA – NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING7.6.2024 09:20:54 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

The annual general meeting of Aqua Bio Technology ASA (the "Company" or "ABT") will be held on 28 June 2024 at 13:00 (CEST) at Advokatfirmaet CLP DA, Sommerrogata 13-15, 0255 Oslo. The notice of the general meeting, including the board's proposed resolutions, the registration and proxy forms, are attached to this notice. The notice of the general meeting with enclosures and relevant documents for the annual general meeting will be made available on the Company's website. For further information, please contact CEO Håvard Lindstrøm, telephone +47 941 32 288. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. About ABT: Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) is developing and commercializing sustainable biotechnology for use in skin care products. ABT's cosmetics ingredients are highly effective and they provide the cosmetics industry with natural alternatives to traditional ingredients. ABT is also marketing and distributing n

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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA - CORRECTION: Q1 MARKET UPDATE AND UPDATED FINANCIAL CALENDAR25.4.2024 21:18:52 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT", and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") has, as of the first quarter of 2024, achieved NOK 35 million in gross revenues on a consolidated basis with a positive EBITDA. The Group subsidiary, Cover Brands AS, was consolidated into the Group's financial accounts from 1 January 2024. On 12 April 2024, ABT completed the acquisition of Ovalen AS, which will be consolidated into the Group's financial accounts with effect from 1 May 2024. The Group's revenues for the first quarter of 2024 has not been audited. Considering that Q1 is typically the weakest quarter in this segment, with 60% of annual turnover normally occurring in Q3 and Q4, ABT is on track with its previous guidance for a turnover of NOK 140-150 million in 2024. With the integration of Ovalen AS ( starting from Q2, and assuming satisfactory due diligence and the completion of the acquisition of 3D Innovation Nordic AS and its affiliated companies in Q2, ABT anticip

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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA: Q1 MARKET UPDATE AND UPDATED FINANCIAL CALENDAR25.4.2024 21:05:54 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT", and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") has, as of the first quarter of 2024, achieved NOK 35 million in gross revenues on a consolidated basis with a positive EBITDA. The Group subsidiary, Cover Brands AS, was consolidated into the Group's financial accounts from 1 January 2024. On 12 April 2024, ABT completed the acquisition of Ovalen AS, which will be consolidated into the Group's financial accounts with effect from 1 May 2024. The Group's revenues for the first quarter of 2024 has not been audited. Considering that Q1 is typically the weakest quarter in this segment, with 60% of annual turnover normally occurring in Q3 and Q4, ABT is on track with its previous guidance for a turnover of NOK 140-150 million in 2024. With the integration of Ovalen AS ( starting from Q2, and assuming satisfactory due diligence and the completion of the acquisition of 3D Innovation Nordic AS and its affiliated companies in Q2, ABT anticip

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: Acquisition of 3D Innovation Nordic AS and affiliated companies, together a potential major wholesale group in the Nordics25.4.2024 15:34:41 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Inside information

Aqua Bio Technology ("ABT" or the "Company" and together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, the "ABT Group") has today, on 25 April 2024, entered into an agreement (the "Agreement") with CoC Invest AS ("CoC Invest") regarding the Company's acquisition of all of the outstanding shares in the 3D Innovation Nordic AS ("3D"). Pursuant to the Agreement, the Company shall further acquire all of the outstanding shares in the companies Printprofil AS and Check Please AS (jointly with 3D, the "Target Group") from CoC Invest in connection with the acquisition of 3D (jointly, the "Acquisitions"). The Target Group represents a major wholesale group in the Nordics. In 2023, the Target Group had an unaudited turnover of NOK 87.6 million, of which 3D had a turnover of NOK 73 million. The Target Group companies are profitable and EBIDTA for the Target Group in 2023 ended jointly at NOK 5 million. The completion of the Acquisitions is subject to satisfactory due diligence and approval from ABT's board

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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA – DISCLOSURE OF LARGE SHAREHOLDING23.4.2024 16:47:15 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Major shareholding notifications

Reference is made to the stock exchange notices from Aqua Bio Technology ASA (the "Company" or "ABT") on 23 April 2024 regarding the amendment agreement ("Amendment Agreement") the Company entered into with Varming Holding AS ("Varming"), and the issuance of 4,708,935 new shares (the "New Shares"), each at a subscription price of NOK 8.20 per new Share, to settle the share element in accordance with the Amendment Agreement. The New Shares has today been resolved by the Company's board of directors pursuant to a board authorization registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises on 28 September 2023. The New Shares will be delivered to a separate ISIN pending the Company's publication of an EEA listing prospectus approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. Following Varming's subscription of the New Shares, Varming and close associates will own a total of 4,976,704 shares and votes in the Company, representing approximately 8.49% of the outstanding votes and

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: Cosmed Buyout23.4.2024 12:23:02 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Inside information

Pursuant to the agreement Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") entered with Varming Holding AS as seller ("Varming") with respect to the Company's acquisition of all of the shares in Cosmed Beauty AS ("Cosmed") and Ultrabody AB on 28 June 2022 (the "Agreement"), the purchase price was agreed to be an earn-out based on a multiple of Cosmed's result before tax for each of the financial years ended 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025. The Company's board of directors regards such earn-out structure as suboptimal and potentially entails a conflict of interests. As such, the Company has today entered into an amendment agreement ("Amendment Agreement") with Varming pursuant to which the Company and Varming settle the remaining earn-out under the Agreement by way of a cash payment of approximately NOK 8.3 million, to be paid by the Company within the end of Q1 2025 and the issuance of 4,708,935 new shares ("New Shares"), each New Share with a subscription price of NOK 8.20. The New Shares a

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: Acquisition of Ovalen completed12.4.2024 09:05:41 CEST | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Inside information

Reference is made to Aqua Bio Technology ASA's ("ABT" or the "Company") stock exchange announcement made 8 February 2024 concerning the Company's intended acquisition of Ovalen AS ("Ovalen") (the "Acquisition"). The Acquisition was subject to a successful due diligence which was completed to ABT's satisfaction and ABT's board of directors has approved the transaction which will be completed on the terms initially agreed. Ovalen had operating revenues of NOK 17 million with an EBITA of NOK 1.1 million in 2023. The purchase price ranges from NOK 6 million to NOK 11 million, where NOK 5 million is contingent upon future revenue and EBIT performance of the Company in 2024 and 2025. NOK 6 million of the purchase price will be settled through the issuance of 1,200,000 consideration shares (the "Consideration Shares") at a subscription price of NOK 5 per Consideration Share. The sellers of Ovalen, including its ultimate beneficial owners, have agreed to a three-year lock-up on the Considerati

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Aqua Bio technology ASA – share capital increase registered11.3.2024 15:18:15 CET | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Total number of voting rights and capital

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement from Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") on 30 January 2024 regarding the Company's board of directors resolving to issue 2,565,717 new shares in the Company in connection with, inter alia, a private placement in the Company ("New Shares"). The New Shares will be delivered on a separate ISIN pending publication of an EEA listing prospectus approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The share capital increase pertaining to the issuance of the New Shares has today been registered with the Norwegian Registry of Business Enterprises (Nw. Foretaksregisteret). ABT's new share capital is NOK 146,450,845 divided into 58,580,338 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 2.50. For further information, please contact Håvard Lindstrøm, CEO, telephone +47 941 32 288. * * * Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) is developing and commercializing sustainable biotechnology for use in skincare products. ABT's cosmetics ingredients are

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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA – SHARE CAPITAL INCREASE REGISTERED4.3.2024 12:29:48 CET | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Total number of voting rights and capital

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement from Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") on 12 February 2024 regarding the Company's board of directors resolving to issue 780,142 new shares in a subsequent offering (the "New Shares"). The share capital increase pertaining to the issuance of the New Shares has today been registered with the Norwegian Registry of Business Enterprises (Nw. Foretaksregisteret). ABT's new share capital is NOK 140,036,552.50 divided into 56,014,621 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 2.50. * * * For further information, please contact CEO Håvard Lindstrøm mobile phone +47 941 32 288. Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) is developing and commercializing sustainable biotechnology for use in skincare products. ABT's cosmetics ingredients are highly effective and they provide the cosmetics industry with natural alternatives to traditional ingredients. ABT is also marketing and distributing natural skincare products developed by partners towards cons

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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA - RESULT OF SUBSEQUENT OFFERING12.2.2024 09:06:28 CET | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice by Aqua Bio Technology ASA (the "Company" or "ABT") on 5 February 2024 regarding the key terms for a subsequent offering of up to NOK 5,000,000 through issuance of up to 1,000,000 new shares ("Offer Shares") in the Company at a subscription price of NOK 5 per share (the "Subsequent Offering"). In the Subsequent Offering, the shareholders of the Company as of 30 January 2024 (as registered in the VPS on 1 February 2024), except: (i) shareholders that subscribed for shares in the private placement placed on 30 January 2024, and (ii) shareholders who are resident in a jurisdiction where such offering would be unlawful, or would require any prospectus filing, registration or similar action (the "Eligible Shareholders"), received subscription rights giving preferential rights to subscribe for and be allocated Offer Shares in the Subsequent Offering. In addition, certain groups of investors, as described in the stock exchange notice dated 5 Febr

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: ABT enter into agreement for the acquisition of Ovalen8.2.2024 21:18:50 CET | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Inside information

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") on 19 December 2023 where the Company, in connection with the acquisition of Cover Brands, informed that ABT would be given an option to acquire all shares in Ovalen AS ("Ovalen"). In 2022 Ovalen opened a flagship store in central Kristiansand in cooperation with Cover Brands, where the flagship store combines Pusterom Hudpleie's offering of comprehensive beauty experiences and treatments to consumers with attractive products offerings. The Company has today agreed to acquire Ovalen from Coc Invest AS, a company owned by Rolf Kristian Fiala, Ørjan Djuvik Pedersen and Jesper Dønnestad Brandt (the "Ultimate Owners") (the "Acquisition") for a purchase price of up to MNOK 11, where MNOK 5 of the purchase price will be conditional upon Ovalen's revenue and EBIT in 2024 and 2025. Ovalen's revenue in 2023 will be appr. MNOK 17 with a positive EBIT. The purchase price will be converted into

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: Subsequent Offering – Further information and start of subscription period5.2.2024 07:38:04 CET | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN, HONG KONG, SOUTH AFRICA OR THE UNITED STATES OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF ANY OF THE SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN Reference is made to the stock exchange announcements by Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") on 30 and 31 January 2024 regarding the completion of a private placement that raised approximately NOK 12.46 million in gross proceeds (the "Private Placement") and a subsequent offering of new shares in the Company (the "Subsequent Offering"). The Subsequent Offering consists of an offering of up to 1,000,000 new shares in the Company (the "Offer Shares") directed towards the shareholders of the Company as of 30 January 2024 (as registered in the VPS on 1 February 2024) (the "Record Date"), except; (i) shareholders that subscribed for sha

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Aqua Bio Technology ASA: Terms of the Subsequent Offering31.1.2024 16:04:10 CET | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcements by Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABTEC" or the "Company") on 29 and 30 January 2024 regarding the Private Placement and the contemplated Subsequent Offering as described therein. The Subsequent Offering consists of an offering of up to 1,000,000 new shares in the Company (the "Offer Shares") directed towards the shareholders of the Company as of 30 January 2024 (as registered in the VPS on 1 February 2024) (the "Record Date"), except; (i) shareholders that subscribed for shares in the Private Placement, and (ii) shareholders who are resident in a jurisdiction where such offering would be unlawful, or would require any prospectus filing, registration or similar action (the "Eligible Shareholders"). In addition, the following types of investors shall have a secondary right to subscribe for the Offer Shares; (i) ABTEC shareholders and investors that participated in the Private Placement, (ii), and (iii) other subscribers without Subscripti

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AQUA BIO TECHNOLOGY ASA – MANDATORY NOTIFICATION OF TRADES AND DISCLOSURE OF LARGE SHAREHOLDING30.1.2024 17:17:34 CET | Aqua Bio Technology ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Reference is made to the stock exchange notices from Aqua Bio Technology ASA (the "Company") on 30 January 2024 regarding the completion of a private placement raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 12.46 million. The following close associates of primary insiders and primary insiders of the Company have been allocated shares in the private placement: RH Industri AS, a close associate of board member Roger Hofseth, has been allocated 300,000 shares; Swelandia International AB, a close associate of board member Jan Petterson, has been allocated 50,000 shares; and Per Egil Borge, chairman of wholly owned subsidiary of the Company Skinteam Norge AS, has been allocated 78,000 shares. Please see the attached forms in accordance with article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation. Viddas AS has been allocated a total of 1,000,000 shares in the private placement. Following completion of the private placement, Viddas AS and close associates will own a total of 3,073,945 shares in the Company,

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Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) is developing and commercializing sustainable biotechnology for use in skincare products. ABT's cosmetics ingredients are highly effective and they provide the cosmetics industry with natural alternatives to traditional ingredients. ABT is also marketing and distributing natural skincare products developed by partners towards consumers and professional users. ABT's focus on commercialization and development of natural ingredients and natural skincare products has been, and will continue to be, an important part of the Company's strategy going forward. Aqua Bio Technology is listed on the Euronext Expand market of the Oslo Stock Exchange.

  • Aqua Bio Technology ASA
  • Fornebuveien 37
  • N-1366 Lysaker
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