Entra ASA

Entra ASA

Entra er et av Norges ledende selskaper innen forvaltning og utvikling av næringseiendommer. Entra eier og drifter over 80 bygg, med et samlet areal på omlag 1,3 millioner kvadratmeter, i Oslo, Sandvika, Drammen og Bergen. Entra har en solid kundeportefølje med en høy andel offentlige leietagere. Selskapets forretningsstrategi er å være kundens førstevalg, levere lønnsom vekst og å være miljøledende i bransjen.

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares inn Entra ASA26.2.2025 17:49:35 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 26 February 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 1,183 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 1,195 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror already owns a total of 60,710,724 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final results and due settlement of the shares for which acceptances are received, the Offeror will own 60,711,919 shares in Entra, representing approximately 33.334011% of the total 182,132,0

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares inn Entra ASA25.2.2025 19:09:29 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 25 February 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 12 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 12 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror already owns a total of 60,710,724 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final results and due settlement of the shares for which acceptances are received, the Offeror will own 60,710,736 shares in Entra, representing approximately 33.333361% of the total 182,132,055 out

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Entra ASA – Update on mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag19.2.2025 10:29:34 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by Castellum Aktiebolag ("Castellum") 18 February 2025, regarding the launch of the mandatory offer for the shares of Entra ASA (the "Company") not already owned by Castellum (the "Offer"). The offer period under the Offer is from and including 19 February 2025 to 19 March 2025 at 16:30 CET (subject to extensions). The Company's independent Board of Directors (comprising all board members except for board member Mr. Joacim Sjöberg – CEO at Castellum) will issue its statement pursuant to section 6-16 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act at the latest one week before expiry of the offer period. This is not a statement pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act section 6-16. For further comments, contact; Ottar Ertzeid, Chair of the Board of Directors, +47 915 14 556, ottar.ertzeid@online.no Sonja Horn, CEO, +47 905 68 456, sh@entra.no Ole Anton Gulsvik, CFO, +47 995 68 520, oag@entra.no

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Entra ASA – Regarding the substantial shareholding disclosure and mandatory offer obligation13.2.2025 12:18:54 CET | Entra ASA | Non-regulatory press releases

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Entra ASA (the "Company") refers to the announcement made by Castellum Aktiebolag ("Castellum") on 13 February 2025 regarding the substantial shareholding disclosure and mandatory offer obligation. The Board further refers to the press release from Fastighets Balder AB (“Balder”) on 13 February 2025 recognising the offer but stating that it will keep its shareholding and does not intend to make a counteroffer. The Board appreciates the continued interest in the shares of the Company and refers to the offer document, when approved by the Oslo Stock Exchange, for the terms, including the price per share, of the mandatory offer and the offer period. This is not a statement pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act section 6-16. A statement will be published at the latest one week before expiry of the offer period. The shareholders are advised to refrain from taking any action in respect of their shares in the Company which may be prejudicial

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Q4/FY 2024: Increased net income from property management, completion of asset divestment program12.2.2025 07:00:01 CET | Entra ASA | Half yearly financial reports and audit reports / limited reviews

Oslo, 12 February 2025 – Rental income was 767 million in Q4 2024 compared to 860 million in Q4 2023, and 3 267 million for the full year compared 3 418 million in 2023. Adjusted for divestments, the underlying rental income growth was 1.6 per cent for the quarter and 4.3 per cent for the full year. Net income from property management increased by 7 per cent to 317 million in the quarter, as the reduction in rental income due to divestments was offset by lower interest expenses. Net income from property management for the full year was 1 308 million. Changes in the value of investment properties were positive in the quarter, contributing 273 million, and were -1 894 for the full year. Profit after tax was 597 million (-2 626 million) in the quarter and 75 million (-5 582 million) for the full year. Through capital discipline and the completion of its asset divestment program, including the sale of Grenseveien 78B in the quarter, Entra has significantly strengthened its balance sheet an

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Invitation to presentation of financial results for Q4/FY 202410.2.2025 09:00:00 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

In accordance with the financial calendar, Entra ASA will release financial results for Q4/FY 2024 on Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 07:00 CET. CEO Sonja Horn and CFO Ole Anton Gulsvik will present the results through a webcast only on Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 08:30 CET. The webcast may be followed from: https://www.entra.no/investor-relations

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Re-opening of 5-year floating rate green bond issue5.2.2025 15:41:45 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Entra ASA has re-opened the floating rate green bond issue (ISIN NO0013457986, maturity 17.01.2030) with NOK 300,000,000 at an issue price of 101.097%, equivalent to an issue-spread of 3mn NIBOR + 1.25% p.a. The total amount outstanding in the bond issue after this transaction is NOK 1,800,000,000. The transaction was arranged by Nordea.

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Re-opening of 5-year floating rate green bond issue20.1.2025 16:31:43 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Entra ASA has re-opened the floating rate green bond issue (ISIN NO0013457986, maturity 17.01.2030) with NOK 500,000,000 at an issue price of 100.435%, equivalent to an issue-spread of 3mn NIBOR + 1.40% p.a. The total amount outstanding in the bond issue after this transaction is NOK 1,500,000,000. The transaction was arranged by DNB Markets.

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Entra ASA – Buy-Back of bonds10.1.2025 15:26:53 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice of 9 January 2025 regarding the successful issuance of new green bonds. In connection with the new transaction, Entra ASA has made the following buy-backs of outstanding bonds: NOK 311 million in ENTRA44 ESG with maturity date 22 May 2025 (ISIN: NO0010852692). Outstanding volume after the buy-back is NOK 289 million. The buy-back price was 100.20% NOK 232 million in ENTRA61 ESG with maturity date 28 November 2025 (ISIN: NO0011011256). Outstanding volume after the buy-back is NOK 768 million. The buy-back price was 97.50%

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Successful Placement of Green Bond Issues9.1.2025 16:55:14 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Entra ASA (Moody’s: Baa3/Stable) has today successfully issued new green bonds with a total amount of NOK 2,300 million split into three tranches: NOK 700 million in a new 3-year senior unsecured green bond issue with a coupon of 3 month Nibor + 1.15% p.a. NOK 1,000 million in a new 5-year senior unsecured green bond issue with a coupon of 3 month Nibor + 1.50% p.a. NOK 600 million in a new 5-year senior unsecured green bond issue with a fixed coupon of 5.52% p.a. Settlement date for all issues is 17 January 2025. An application will be made for the bonds to be listed at Oslo Børs. DNB Markets, Nordea and SEB acted as Joint Lead Managers.

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Entra ASA (Baa3/stable) – Contemplating NOK Green Bond Issuance8.1.2025 09:20:19 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Entra ASA (Moody’s: Baa3/stable) has mandated DNB Markets, Nordea and SEB as Joint Lead Managers to explore the possibility of issuing one or more new senior unsecured NOK denominated green bond issues with an expected tenor of 3-7 years, subject to market conditions. In connection with the potential transaction, Entra ASA will offer buy-backs in the following outstanding bonds: ENTRA44 ESG with maturity date 22 May 2025 (ISIN: NO0010852692) and ENTRA61 ESG with maturity date 28 November 2025 (ISIN: NO0011011256).

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Entra er et av Norges ledende selskaper innen forvaltning og utvikling av næringseiendommer. Entra eier og drifter over 80 bygg, med et samlet areal på omlag 1,3 millioner kvadratmeter, i Oslo, Sandvika, Drammen og Bergen. Entra har en solid kundeportefølje med en høy andel offentlige leietagere. Selskapets forretningsstrategi er å være kundens førstevalg, levere lønnsom vekst og å være miljøledende i bransjen.

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