Entra ASA

Entra ASA

Entra er et av Norges ledende selskaper innen forvaltning og utvikling av næringseiendommer. Entra eier og drifter over 80 bygg, med et samlet areal på omlag 1,3 millioner kvadratmeter, i Oslo, Sandvika, Drammen og Bergen. Entra har en solid kundeportefølje med en høy andel offentlige leietagere. Selskapets forretningsstrategi er å være kundens førstevalg, levere lønnsom vekst og å være miljøledende i bransjen.

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Mandatory notification of trade28.3.2025 20:13:58 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

28 March 2025: Castellum Aktiebolag (“Castellum”) has today, 28 March 2025, acquired 390,379 shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an average price of NOK 122.1696 per share. Following the transaction, Castellum owns 64,026,694 shares in Entra, representing approximately 35.153995% of the total 182,132,055 outstanding shares and votes in Entra. Castellum is a close associate of Joacim Sjöberg, one of the members of the board of directors in Entra. Please see attached notification form in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in the Market Abuse Regulation article 19 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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Mandatory notification of trade27.3.2025 18:37:28 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

27 March 2025: Castellum Aktiebolag (“Castellum”) has today, 27 March 2025, acquired 908,000 shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at a price of NOK 122.50 per share. Following the transaction, Castellum owns 63,636,315 shares in Entra, representing approximately 34,939657% of the total 182,132,055 outstanding shares and votes in Entra. Castellum is a close associate of Joacim Sjöberg, one of the members of the board of directors in Entra. Please see attached notification form in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in the Market Abuse Regulation article 19 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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Mandatory notification of trade25.3.2025 18:27:43 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

25 March 2025: Castellum Aktiebolag (“Castellum”) has today, 25 March 2025, acquired 281,283 shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at a price of NOK 114.1112 per share. Following the transaction, Castellum owns 62,728,315 shares in Entra, representing approximately 34.441117% of the total 182,132,055 outstanding shares and votes in Entra. Castellum is a close associate of Joacim Sjöberg, one of the members of the board of directors in Entra. Please see attached notification form in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in the Market Abuse Regulation article 19 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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New lease contracts in Oslo city centre25.3.2025 09:00:01 CET | Entra ASA | Non-regulatory press releases

Entra ASA has signed a new lease contract with Aon Norway AS for 1,460 sqm at St. Olavs plass 5 in Oslo. The lease contract has a duration of 7 years, commencing in the third quarter of 2026. Entra ASA has also signed a new lease contract with About Contrasts AS for 318 sqm at Tordenskiolds gate 12. The lease contract has a duration of 15 years, commencing in the second quarter of 2025.

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Mandatory notification of trade24.3.2025 18:48:28 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

24 March 2025: Castellum Aktiebolag (“Castellum”) has today, 24 March 2025, acquired 354,082 shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at a price of NOK 111.00 per share. Following the transaction, and subject to due settlement of the mandatory offer by Castellum of 18 February 2025 which expired on 19 March 2025, Castellum will own in total 62,447,032 shares in Entra, representing approximately 34.286678% of the total 182,132,055 outstanding shares and votes in Entra. Castellum is a close associate of Joacim Sjöberg, one of the members of the board of directors in Entra. Please see attached notification form in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in the Market Abuse Regulation article 19 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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Mandatory notification of trade21.3.2025 17:59:50 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

21 March 2025: Castellum Aktiebolag (“Castellum”) has today, 21 March 2025, acquired 46,451 shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at a price of NOK 111.00 per share. Following the transaction, and subject to due settlement of the mandatory offer by Castellum of 18 February 2025 which expired on 19 March 2025, Castellum will own in total 62,092,950 shares in Entra, representing approximately 34.092269% of the total 182,132,055 outstanding shares and votes in Entra. Castellum is a close associate of Joacim Sjöberg, one of the members of the board of directors in Entra. Please see attached notification form in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in the Market Abuse Regulation article 19 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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Mandatory notification of trade20.3.2025 17:54:10 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

20 March 2025: Castellum Aktiebolag (“Castellum”) has today, 20 March 2025, acquired 70,964 shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at a price of NOK 110.9925 per share. Following the transaction, and subject to due settlement of the mandatory offer by Castellum of 18 February 2025 which expired on 19 March 2025, Castellum will own in total 62,046,499 shares in Entra, representing approximately 34.066765% of the total 182,132,055 outstanding shares and votes in Entra. Castellum is a close associate of Joacim Sjöberg, one of the members of the board of directors in Entra. Please see attached notification form in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in the Market Abuse Regulation article 19 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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Correction: Mandatory notification of trade20.3.2025 14:54:22 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by Castellum Aktiebolag (“Castellum”) on 19 March 2025, where it was announced that Castellum had acquired 87,717 shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) through purchases in the market. Due to calculation errors, the correct number of shares bought in Entra in the market on 19 March 2025 is 81,717 shares. As a result, and subject to due settlement of the mandatory offer by Castellum of 18 February 2025 which expired on 19 March 2025, Castellum will own in total 61,975,535 shares in Entra, representing approximately 34.027802% of the total 182,132,055 outstanding shares and votes in Entra. Please see corrected notification form in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation attached.

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Final result of mandatory offer to acquire all outstanding shares in Entra ASA – purchase of additional shares in Entra ASA19.3.2025 19:13:24 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 19 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 468,070 shares in Entra. In addition, the Offeror has on 19 March acquired 87,717 shares in Entra at a price of NOK 110.40 per share (the “Acquisition”). The Acquisition was completed through the purchase of shares in the market outside of the Offer. The offer period for the Offer expired today, on 19 March 2025 at 16:30 CET. Upon expiry of the offer period for the Offer, the Offeror has received valid acceptances for a tota

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA18.3.2025 19:31:14 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 18 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 4,361 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 25,702 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror already owns a total of 61,400,046 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final results and due settlement of the shares for which acceptances are received, the Offeror will own 61,425,748 shares in Entra, representing approximately 33.725940% of the total 182,132,055

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA - and purchases of additional shares by Castellum Aktiebolag in Entra ASA17.3.2025 18:20:15 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 17 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 5,829 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 21,341 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror has on 17 March acquired 453,677 shares in Entra at a price of NOK 110.40 per share (the “Acquisition”). The Acquisition was completed through the purchase of shares in the market outside of the Offer. Following the Acquisition, the Offeror owns a total of 61,400,046 sha

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA - and purchases of additional shares by Castellum Aktiebolag in Entra ASA14.3.2025 18:18:03 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 14 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 2,538 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 15,512 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror has on 14 March acquired 217,830 shares in Entra at a price of NOK 110.40 per share (the “Acquisition”). The Acquisition was completed through the purchase of shares in the market outside of the Offer. Following the Acquisition, the Offeror owns a total of 60,946,369 sha

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA - and purchases of additional shares by Castellum Aktiebolag in Entra ASA13.3.2025 19:11:32 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 13 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 475 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 12,974 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror has on 13 March acquired 5,000 shares in Entra at a price of NOK 110.40 per share (the “Acquisition”). The Acquisition was completed through the purchase of shares in the market outside of the Offer. Following the Acquisition, the Offeror owns a total of 60,728,539 shares

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA - and purchases of additional shares by Castellum Aktiebolag in Entra ASA12.3.2025 20:10:28 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 12 March 2025, the Offeror has acquired 12,815 shares in Entra at a price of NOK 110.40 per share (the “Acquisition”). The Acquisition was completed through the purchase of shares in the market outside of the Offer. On 12 March 2025, the Offeror did not receive any acceptances under the Offer. In total, the Offeror has so far received acceptances under the Offer for 12,499 shares. Following the Acquisition, the Offeror owns a total of 60,723,539 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final re

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA11.3.2025 18:30:58 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 11 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 2,252 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 12,499 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror already owns a total of 60,710,724 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final results and due settlement of the shares for which acceptances are received, the Offeror will own 60,723,223 shares in Entra, representing approximately 33.340217% of the total 182,132,055

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Statement from the Board of Entra ASA regarding mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag11.3.2025 08:00:00 CET | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Reference is made to the mandatory offer made by Castellum Aktiebolag (the "Offeror") on 18 February 2025 (the "Offer") for all outstanding shares in Entra ASA ("Entra" or the "Company") not held by the Offeror, for a price of NOK 110.40 per Entra share (the "Offer Price"). The independent board of directors of Entra (without the member of the board representing the Offeror, Joacim Sjöberg) (the "Board") has diligently reviewed the Offer and considered factors that the Board deems material and relevant for the assessment of whether the Offer should be accepted by the shareholders of Entra. The Board has made the following unanimous recommendation: Based on the assessments as further detailed in the statement, including the estimates of the underlying values of the Company, its future prospects, and also considering the opinion from ABG Sundal Collier stating that the Offer Price is inadequate from a financial point of view, the Board recommends the shareholders to not accept the Offer.

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA10.3.2025 18:44:38 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 10 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 1,178 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 10,247 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror already owns a total of 60,710,724 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final results and due settlement of the shares for which acceptances are received, the Offeror will own 60,720,971 shares in Entra, representing approximately 33.338981% of the total 182,132,055

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA7.3.2025 18:55:12 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 7 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 332 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 9,069 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror already owns a total of 60,710,724 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final results and due settlement of the shares for which acceptances are received, the Offeror will own 60,719,793 shares in Entra, representing approximately 33.338334% of the total 182,132,055 out

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Acceptances received under the mandatory offer by Castellum Aktiebolag to acquire all shares in Entra ASA6.3.2025 18:09:15 CET | Entra ASA | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, INTO OR WITHIN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, OR ANY JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. Reference is made to the mandatory offer from Castellum Aktiebolag (the “Offeror”) to acquire shares in Entra ASA (“Entra”) at an offer price of NOK 110.40 per share, pursuant to an offer document dated 18 February 2025 (“the Offer”). On 6 March 2025, the Offeror has received acceptances under the Offer for 4,322 shares. Following these acceptances, the Offeror has received acceptances for a total of 8,737 shares in Entra in the Offer. In addition, the Offeror already owns a total of 60,710,724 shares in Entra. Consequently, subject to final results and due settlement of the shares for which acceptances are received, the Offeror will own 60,719,461 shares in Entra, representing approximately 33.338152% of the total 182,132,055 o

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Entra er et av Norges ledende selskaper innen forvaltning og utvikling av næringseiendommer. Entra eier og drifter over 80 bygg, med et samlet areal på omlag 1,3 millioner kvadratmeter, i Oslo, Sandvika, Drammen og Bergen. Entra har en solid kundeportefølje med en høy andel offentlige leietagere. Selskapets forretningsstrategi er å være kundens førstevalg, levere lønnsom vekst og å være miljøledende i bransjen.

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