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Business for Peace Foundation

A key goal for the Business for Peace Foundation, as it seeks to increase awareness of ethical business practices, is to work to influence and redefine the general public perception of what it means to be a successful businessperson. So far, success has primarily been measured through the one-dimensional prism of financial success. Through introducing the broader normative concept of Being Businessworthy, the aim is to complement the public image of what constitutes success.

Internasjonale næringslivsledere i Oslo for å markere samfunnsansvar16.5.2018 08:00:00 CEST | Pressemelding

OSLO, 16.05.17 --- Tre næringslivsledere mottar i dag prisen for sitt viktige arbeid med å bruke sine egne bedrifter til å skape bedre samfunn og fremme fred, når Oslo Business for Peace Award deles ut i Oslo Rådhus for 9. gang. Prisen tildeles i år amerikanske Lori Blaker, colombianske Edgar Montenegro og irske Martin Naughton for deres innsats i konfliktfylte områder i ulike deler av verden.

Principles for Responsible Investment new Nomination Partner23.11.2017 15:11:15 CET | Pressemelding

The Foundation is proud to welcome PRI, Principles for Responsible Investment, as our new nomination partner. PRI completes our group of nomination partners, representing investors and the financial sector. PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. PRI believes that an economically efficient, sustainable global financial system is a necessity for long-term value creation. The principles whom signatories commit to, contributes to creating a system that rewards long-term, responsible investment and benefits the environment and society as a whole. The initiative was launched in 2006, by a group of the world’s largest institutional investors. The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Swedish Folksam and the Norwegian Government Pension Fund are among its founding members. Today, the principles have more than 1.800 signatories from over 50 countries, representing approximately US$70 trillion in assets. It is currently expanding its reach into regions like Asia, South A

A key goal for the Business for Peace Foundation, as it seeks to increase awareness of ethical business practices, is to work to influence and redefine the general public perception of what it means to be a successful businessperson. So far, success has primarily been measured through the one-dimensional prism of financial success. Through introducing the broader normative concept of Being Businessworthy, the aim is to complement the public image of what constitutes success.

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