Text: Norwegian Society for Protection of Animals
A thorough judgement
After an extensive hearing of the case in Oslo District Court in November 2021, the Norwegian Society for Protection of Animals (NSPA) today received the happy news of a full victory.
The case was carefully considered by an experienced district court judge and two co-judges who are veterinarians and geneticists, respectively. Several of the expert witnesses in the case possess the highest professional competence in their fields, and the major health problems these dogs are bred with were thoroughly elucidated.
-It is a very thorough and principled judgment, which provides an important legal framework for animal breeding, says lawyer Emanuel Feinberg in the law firm Glittertind.
Cross-breeding fully possible
A conviction does not imply a ban on serious breeding of Bulldog or Cavalier, as serious and scientifically based cross-breeding could be a good alternative. In the last 50 years, there has been a rapid technological and scientific development. In Norway, we have both the infrastructure and technology to achieve good, scientifically based breeding work. Our dogs deserve to benefit from this development, and the way we breed dogs must be adjusted according to the best available knowledge.
-The man-made health problems of the bulldog have been known since the early 20th century. This verdict is many years overdue, says CEO, BVSc Åshild Roaldset.
For several decades, sick dogs have been bred in violation of Norwegian law. Our dogs has been victims of systematic and organized betrayal of our four-legged friends. Today it has been confirmed that this is illegal.
The ruling clarifies the need for change
The NSPA has proposed the introduction of chip marking and the systematic use of temperament, traits, health data and kinship data in breeding.
-Without traceability and the use of databases, it is impossible for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to conduct effective supervision of dog breeding. In 2020, the EU presented guidelines for dog breeding, and it is reasonable that these guidelines should be leading for all dog breeding in Norway, both for purebred dogs and for mixed breed dogs, says Roaldset.
Many European countries have similar legislation, and a similar disease burden in their dogs. The NSPA hope that this ruling can help improve the health of dogs far beyond our borders.
This is an historic day for our dogs. EVERYONE who loves dogs has reason to celebrate today!
- This is a day of celebration for our dogs! The Animal Welfare Act is intended to protect animals from the irrational actions of humans, and it has done so today. This is about the dogs' right to feel good, says Åshild Roaldset.
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Åshild RoaldsetVeterinær og daglig leder i Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge
Foto: Håkon Sparre

About Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge
The Norwegian Society for Protection of Animals, established in 1859, believes that some breeds now have such large burden of disease and are so closely related, that further breeding of these breeds is a violation of the Animal Welfare Act. For some of the breeds, the situation has become so severe that the only solution would be to cross with a healthy dog from another breed. Today Oslo District Court has given a verdict that prohibits further breeding of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and English Bulldog in Norway.
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