Flyr selects planes and design

– It´s an aircraft that we in management have a lot of experience with, also there is simulator capacity in Norway and crew and mechanics with ample experience and competence, says Erik G. Braathen, founder of Flyr.
Flyr now works to implement all commercial and operative systems in place, as well as the procedures and manuals required for a safe, robust and punctual airline.
Private equity funding
The airline has been met with a positive response in the market, and the plan is to fully fund the airline through private investments of NOK 600 million. Arctic Securities, along with two other Norwegian investment banks, will be advising in the placement.
– The capital will be sufficient to fund a lean organization with the people and competencies needed, says Tonje Wikstrøm Frislid, CEO of Flyr.
– We are in a situation where we can obtain the right aircraft for the right price, and where we can build our systems with new, up to date technology. Our goal is to provide the customers with a seamless, digital service from start to finish, says Wikstrøm Frislid.
In flight before summer
During the second quarter we will see Flyr’s first planes in the air, and then a gradual expansion of routes and destinations. During the initial phase, the airline will service the larger Norwegian cities and popular destinations in Europe. Looking ahead, the airline plans to have a fleet of 28-30 aircrafts.
– We have said that we will adapt the number of airplanes to market demand. Adaptability and flexibility will be highly important going forward, even though the future looks brighter for the industry now than it did a few months ago, says Wikstrøm Frislid.
For press inquiries, please contact:
Mats Ektvedt
Corporate Communications
+47 414 23 328
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NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN, HONG KONG, SOUTH AFRICA OR ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO MIGHT CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF LOCAL SECURITIES LAWS OR REGULATIONS. Flyr (or the Company), the new airline in Norway, will apply for a listing on Euronext Growth at the Oslo Stock Exchange. The Company seeks to raise NOK 600 million in a private placement valuing the company at NOK 750 million and has already received a commitment of NOK 165 million from cornerstone investors.
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