Viking Energy makes history as first ammonia-powered offshore vessel
Eidesvik Offshore has today announced a groundbreaking step on the path to decarbonisation, with the news that the platform supply vessel (PSV) “Viking Energy” will be equipped with an ammonia dual fuel engine. In 2026, the vessel will operate on ammonia for Equinor, reducing GHG emissions by 70 percent or more.
The PSV, which has been under contract with Equinor since its launch in 2003, will switch to ammonia operations, in a move that should make it the world’s first in-service vessel to adopt the fuel as a primary energy source.
Ammonia has emerged as a promising alternative ‘clean fuel’ for longer voyages, such as North Sea supply routes, and Viking Energy will take that potential from the drawing board to reality. In addition to chartering the vessel Equinor contributes with financing of the conversion.
"This conversion is made possible by the support and investment from Equinor. We are very pleased to partner up with a client that share our ambitious climate targets, on a project that can help kick-start a wider adoption of ammonia across the shipping industry”, says Gitte Gard Talmo, CEO and President of Eidesvik Offshore
Viking Energy is no stranger to the record books, having previously made history as the first LNG-powered offshore vessel, before being converted to the first ever hybrid with a DNV ‘Battery Power’ notation in 2016. Its latest evolution, named the ‘Apollo’ project, will see the installation of a Wärtsilä W25 dual fuel engine, capable of operating on ammonia and MGO.
The project has placed an order for the ammonia engine and fuel gas supply system.
“For decades our vision has focused on reducing fuel consumption and investing in pioneering technology to reduce emission,” comments Talmo. “Viking Energy has been a true global trailblazer in that respect, and we’re proud that it will lead the industry forward with ammonia.”
A strong partnership
Viking Energy, which recently was awarded a new five-year contract until 2030 with Equinor in the North Sea, is expected to operate on ammonia from the first half of 2026. Wärtsilä will supply the ammonia technology, while Breeze Ship Design will handle all necessary ship design services. Cluster organisation Maritime CleanTech has worked with the partnership to secure a grant of 5M€ from the EU’s Horizon Europe programme.
“If we are to succeed in shipping’s green transition then close collaboration throughout the value chain is imperative. No one can succeed in isolation. As such, we hope the Apollo project can work as an example of how to embrace and build strong partnerships, working together to achieve collective aims”, says Talmo.
In addition to the ammonia dual fuel engine, Viking Energy is also a demonstrator vessel in the EU-funded ShipFC project where the aim is to pilot ammonia-powered fuel cells.
Gitte Gard TalmoChief Executive OfficerEidesvik Offshore ASA
Administrerende direktør
Helga CotgroveChief Financial OfficerEidesvik AS
Tel:90735246Marie Engelsen LaunesVP Sustainability, Project Manager ApolloEidesvik AS
Tel:+47 976 53 966Tel:+47 976 53 966marie.launes@eidesvik.noBilder
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