The NPRA chooses document management and collaboration solution from M-files
– Taking care of the existing infrastructure is one of the best things we can do on behalf of the community and for the climate. In order to be able to do this, it is necessary to have clear and easily accessible technical documentation for all road objects - throughout the life cycle of the road, says Bjørn Laksforsmo, Director of NPRA Operations and Maintenance.
– Along with the work to implement a solution for infrastructure asset management, initially within the field of tunnels and electrical engineering, this is another milestone for system support that will enable us to prioritise the right maintenance at the right time – for the benefit of our customers and community, and to get the best value for money, says Laksforsmo.
M-Files has high professional competence and long experience in program development of document management and collaboration platforms for companies in Norway and internationally.
– We have high hopes for the result and look forward to close and beneficial cooperation, says Laksforsmo.
Value and scope of the contract
The first phase of the implementation of the platform, within the field of tunnels and electrical engineering, has an estimated value of NOK 11.4 million. The contract as a whole has a duration of four years, with an option for five more years, and a total value, with all options included, of NOK 62.3 million for NPRA Operations and Maintenance. The procurement also includes an option for the NPRA’s Construction division to implement and purchase the solution.
12 providers were initially interested in delivering a solution, and four of these tendered for the contract.
The national road network that is the NPRA’s responsibility includes:
- 10 600 km of roads
- 1 500 km of pedestrian/cycle paths
- More than 6,000 bridge structures
- Almost 600 tunnels
Bjørn LaksforsmoDirector of Operations and MaintenanceThe Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Om Statens vegvesen
Statens vegvesen arbeider for å skape et smart og sammenhengende transportsystem på vei for hele Norge. Det skal være enkelt å reise og transportere varer – på sikre veier tilpasset framtidens behov.
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