Enova supports hydrogen projects in the maritime sector with NOK 1.12 billion
- If we succeed here, Norway will strengthen it’s position as a driving force for emission-free solutions in shipping, says Nils Kristian Nakstad, CEO of Enova.
Here are the appropriations:
Enova supports the establishment of five production plants for renewable hydrogen along the Norwegian coast with NOK 669 million.
Enova supports seven pioneering hydrogen and ammonia-powered vessels with NOK 451.3 million.
Note: More detailed overview of the awards further down in the text.
Enables technology development
Hydrogen is a great opportunity for Norway, and Enova's allocations enable further and necessary technology development. The Minister for Climate and the Environment Espen Barth Eide says:
- Norway is an energy and shipping nation and has good conditions to lead in technology development for the green transition. Hydrogen and the green maritime industry are two of seven priority areas in the roadmap for a green industrial boost that the government is launching today. Enova's support of more than one billion kroner for five hydrogen hubs and seven hydrogen-powered ships supports this green industrial promise, says Minister of Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide (Labor).
The Minister of Petroleum and Energy supports the fundings:
-The government has significant ambitions related to the development of hydrogen and wants to contribute to building a coherent value chain for hydrogen produced with no or low emissions. We have strengthened our work with hydrogen from day one. It is gratifying that there are a large number of hydrogen projects along the entire value chain under development throughout Norway. The green industrial promise to the government will further contribute to the development of hydrogen in Norway, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland (Labor).
Hydrogen for 40 vessels
The five production facilities for renewable hydrogen will establish an infrastructure that will enable further technology development in the industry. The hubs will also be able to supply fuel to the hydrogen-powered vessels that Enova has supported.
- These ships are among the first in the world to use hydrogen for propulsion, and the hubs that are now supported by Enova will ensure that the fuel becomes available to them. In total, the hubs will have a capacity to deliver hydrogen to between 35 and 40 vessels, says Nakstad.
Learning from the projects
In December last year, Enova also distributed more than NOK 1 billion to three hydrogen projects. These projects also contribute to technology development and demonstration in the production and use of hydrogen.
- It is now important that all parties learn from the technology development in these projects. Now Enova will follow technology and market developments closely in the future, says Nakstad.
Here are the awards:
The nodes:
These five projects receive support:
Glomfjord: Enova supports production facilities for green hydrogen in Glomfjord with up to NOK 150 million. The goal is to establish a plant in Glomfjord in Meløy municipality and deliver compressed hydrogen per day to customers in sea and land transport. The owners of Glomfjord Hydrogen AS are Greenstat ASA, Nel ASA, Meløy Energi AS and Troms Kraft AS.
Rørvik: Enova supports production facilities for green hydrogen in Rørvik with up to NOK 125.7 million. In the Hydrogen hub Rørvik project, NTE and H2 Marine, in collaboration with several players, will build a hydrogen production plant, in order to be able to supply hydrogen to a wide range of vessels.
Hitra: Enova supports production plants for green hydrogen at Hitra with up to NOK 113 million. Production start-up is planned for 2025. Hydrogen hub Central Norway is a joint project between TrønderEnergi and Statkraft that wants to establish a plant for hydrogen production and bunkering at Hitra Industrial Park and Coastal Harbor, Jøsnøya.
Florø: Enova supports HyFuel's production plant for green hydrogen in Florø with up to NOK 132 million. Fjord Base Holding (FBH) has together with Sogn og Fjordane Energi AS (SFE) and Gasnor AS established HyFuel AS.
Kristiansand: Enova supports Hydrogen hub Agder with up to NOK 148 million. The goal is to produce and sell compressed hydrogen to boats that are on route via Kristiansand. Hydrogen hub Agder is managed by the companies Everfuel AS and Greenstat ASA in collaboration with established industry in the EYDE network and other players.
The vessels:
These seven ships receive support:
Færder Tankers Norway AS: Enova supports the world's first ammonia-powered tankers and car carriers with a total of NOK 205.6 million. Færder Tankers AS will build two tankers and two car carriers that use ammonia as fuel. The four vessels are the first deep sea vessels that can run virtually emission-free.
Ocean Infinity: Enova supports the world's first hydrogen-powered container ship with NOK 148.6 million. Ocean Infinity will build the first two container vessels that use hydrogen as fuel. The goal is to offer an emission-free sea transport of containers between Rotterdam and the Oslo Fjord. The ships will enter into a long-term contract for Samskip and are supported through Pilot-E.
Thor Dahl bulk: Enova supports a hydrogen-powered bulk carrier with NOK 97 million. Thor Dahl bulk (TD) will build the bulk vessel. The vessel will use compressed hydrogen when using fuel cells.
Enova supports tomorrow's energy and climate technology, so that Norway will reach the climate goals for 2050. In 2021, Enova distributed NOK 4.4 billion to over 5,500 smart energy and climate measures. Enova manages the Climate and Energy Fund and is a state-owned enterprise owned by the Ministry of Climate and Energy. Enova is located in Trondheim and has just over 80 employees.
Om Enova
Livskraftig forandring
Enova arbeider for Norges omstilling til lavutslippssamfunnet. Omstillingen krever at vi kutter utslipp av klimagasser, bidrar til teknologiutvikling og innovasjon og skaper nye verdier. Derfor jobber Enova for at ny energi- og klimateknologi blir utviklet og tatt i bruk i markedet.
Enova SF er lokalisert i Trondheim og har vel 100 medarbeidere. Selskapet eies av Klima- og miljødepartementet.
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