
Kan erfaringer fra Spanskesyken redde funksjonshemmede i dag?

COVID-19 har vist at mennesker med funksjonsnedsettelser har økt risiko for å bli alvorlig syke og dø under pandemier. Til tross for dette er det få forskere som har studert de endelige utfallene for utviklingshemmede under tidligere pandemier.
Image description: Image of the simulation model. Social spaces in the school are shown as rectangles of different colors. They include boarding rooms for staff and students, the dining room, a common room, vocational classrooms for training in work skills, and teaching classrooms, as well as an outdoor green space. At the start of a model run, staff (squares) and students (circles) are in their bedrooms. Two staff members have their own rooms, while all others share with 2 to 3 roommates. There are 10 to 12 students in each of the bedrooms. One student is in the upper right corner, because a small number of students often lived outside of the schools. During a model run, the individuals will jump to different social spaces throughout the day. Disease can spread as a result of being neighbors in the same social space with an infected person.
Image description: Image of the simulation model. Social spaces in the school are shown as rectangles of different colors. They include boarding rooms for staff and students, the dining room, a common room, vocational classrooms for training in work skills, and teaching classrooms, as well as an outdoor green space. At the start of a model run, staff (squares) and students (circles) are in their bedrooms. Two staff members have their own rooms, while all others share with 2 to 3 roommates. There are 10 to 12 students in each of the bedrooms. One student is in the upper right corner, because a small number of students often lived outside of the schools. During a model run, the individuals will jump to different social spaces throughout the day. Disease can spread as a result of being neighbors in the same social space with an infected person.

Som en del av webinarserien til Centre for Research on Pandemics & Society at Oslo Metropolitan University, vil Jessica Dimka, Ph. D., presentere hovedresultatene fra sitt arbeid som Marie Sklodowska-Curiestipendiat i foredraget «Disability, Institutionalization, and the 1918 Flu Pandemic: From Historical Records to Simulation Models.»

Velkommen til webinar 20. mai kl 16.00-17.30. Foredraget vil holdes på engelsk.

- Flere døde pasiente enn ansatte: En sammenligning av syv psykiatriske institusjoner viser at selv om en høyere prosent av de ansatte ble syke, døde prosentvis flere av de syke innlagte pasientene.

- Flere med utviklingshemming døde enn funksjonsfriske: Arkivmateriale i svenske kirkebøker antyder at mennesker med funksjonshemming hadde en høyere dødsrate enn funksjonsfriske, noe som var enda tydeligere blant de som også var innlagt på institusjoner. Mennesker med psykiske lidelser eller ufullstendig utvikling av mental kapasitet hadde en høyere dødelighet enn funksjonsfriske, mens andre funksjonsnedsettelser ikke var statistisk relevante.

- Ny modell viser smittespredning på skole: Omfattende historiske arkiver ble brukt i arbeidet med å utvikle en modell av en skole for barn med funksjonshemminger, med mål om å simulere og studere spredning av epidemier innenfor institusjoner. Jessica Dimka vil beskrive modellen og presentere foreløpige analyser. For eksempel viser modellen at mønsteret og timingen av spredningen er forskjellig for lærere og studenter.

Foredraget avsluttes med en diskusjon rundt relevansen av dette arbeidet både for COVID-19 og fremtidige pandemier, når det gjelder forskning, lovgivning og pandemiers ødeleggende effekter.

For å en Zoom-lenke til foredraget, vennligst kontakt jessicad@oslomet.no eller masv@oslomet.no

Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk og internasjonalt tegnspråk blir arrangert. For generelle spørsmål om webinaret, inkludert spørsmål om tilgjengelighet, vennligst ta kontakt med jessicad@oslomet.no eller ninaha@oslomet.no.



Jessica Dimka: Jessica.Dimka@oslomet.no


Image description: Image of the simulation model. Social spaces in the school are shown as rectangles of different colors. They include boarding rooms for staff and students, the dining room, a common room, vocational classrooms for training in work skills, and teaching classrooms, as well as an outdoor green space. At the start of a model run, staff (squares) and students (circles) are in their bedrooms. Two staff members have their own rooms, while all others share with 2 to 3 roommates. There are 10 to 12 students in each of the bedrooms. One student is in the upper right corner, because a small number of students often lived outside of the schools. During a model run, the individuals will jump to different social spaces throughout the day. Disease can spread as a result of being neighbors in the same social space with an infected person.
Image description: Image of the simulation model. Social spaces in the school are shown as rectangles of different colors. They include boarding rooms for staff and students, the dining room, a common room, vocational classrooms for training in work skills, and teaching classrooms, as well as an outdoor green space. At the start of a model run, staff (squares) and students (circles) are in their bedrooms. Two staff members have their own rooms, while all others share with 2 to 3 roommates. There are 10 to 12 students in each of the bedrooms. One student is in the upper right corner, because a small number of students often lived outside of the schools. During a model run, the individuals will jump to different social spaces throughout the day. Disease can spread as a result of being neighbors in the same social space with an infected person.
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