AF Gruppen ASA

Building water treatment plant for municipality

Halden municipality has proposed AF Gruppen as design and build contractor for a new water treatment plant at Asak in Halden.
Halden municipality has proposed AF Gruppen as design and build contractor for a new water treatment plant at Asak in Halden. Ill. Moth Arkitekter
Halden municipality has proposed AF Gruppen as design and build contractor for a new water treatment plant at Asak in Halden. Ill. Moth Arkitekter

The contract comprises engineering and design of a backup water supply that will act as a supplement to the current main facility at Lille Erte. When completed, the water treatment plant will have a production capacity of at least 15,000 m³ of drinking water per day.

The value of the contract is around NOK 100 million excluding VAT. Work under the contract will start in March 2020 with completion scheduled for January 2021.

“We’re looking forward to build a new water treatment plant that will lead to greater production capacity for Halden municipality. A project that suits the competence we possess in our unit in Østfold. In collaboration with our partners we have identified a good solution that will meet the customer’s requirements,” says Geir Flåta, EVP with AF Gruppen.



Halden municipality has proposed AF Gruppen as design and build contractor for a new water treatment plant at Asak in Halden. Ill. Moth Arkitekter
Halden municipality has proposed AF Gruppen as design and build contractor for a new water treatment plant at Asak in Halden. Ill. Moth Arkitekter

About AF Gruppen ASA

AF Gruppen ASA
AF Gruppen ASA
Innspurten 15
0603 Oslo

+47 22 89 11 00

AF Gruppen is a leading contracting and industrial group. The purpose of our business is to create value for our customers, owners, employees and society at large. We are proud of our good financial results, but every bit as important are the non-financial values that we create every day. A safe working environment for our employees and sub-contractor personnel, new services that help solve society’s environmental challenges and ethical business operations that create security for our customers. This in turn provides us with the opportunity to create additional value for our owners.

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