Zachert Private Equity: Rostock IMG jobs saved


Future of IMG Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH secured at the site.

Rostock / Grünheide, 2 January 2025:

Rescue for jobs at Rostock-based IMG Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH (IMG). Zachert Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Zachert Private Equity GmbH (ZPE), will take over the long-established mechanical engineering company when the contracts are signed on 31 December 2024. The takeover secures the Rostock site and over 75 per cent of jobs. The signing is still subject to the approval of the creditors' committee in January. All parties involved have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Securing jobs - preserving the future
The Rostock-based mechanical engineering company is a global supplier of complex systems and production lines for the shipbuilding and offshore industries. The company filed for insolvency at the end of October 2024. The contract signed at the turn of the year means that IMG can restart in 2025. Investor Olaf Zachert and the ZPE team specialise in the restructuring and further development of medium-sized companies. "Our aim is to preserve IMG's tradition and expertise. It is important to us to preserve the jobs and the plant at this location as far as possible. Our priority now is the further expansion and reorganisation of production. We will work closely with the management, the works council and the workforce to achieve this," says Olaf Zachert, founder and Managing Director of Zachert Private Equity

The negotiations were conducted by IMG's insolvency administrator Ulrich Rosenkranz from the law firm BRRS Hamburg and the commercial law firm Seitz on behalf of the purchaser. Once the contract has been signed, Mr Rosenkranz will handle the existing orders, while the team led by investor Olaf Zachert will reorganise the company and secure the majority of jobs. The basis for this will be the acquisition concept of Zachert Private Equity. "We will work with and for the majority of employees and trainees to find a quick and promising solution. IMG's long-standing and potential customers will continue to be supplied in the usual quality and we look forward to working with them," says Olaf Zachert.

IMG Rostock remains
ZPE has already demonstrated its expertise in mechanical engineering with the takeover of the former Bühler AG plant in Döbeln (Saxony) in May 2024. The company now operates under the name Döbelner Anlagen- und Maschinenbau GmbH (DAMB). "We were able to secure all jobs here and have gained a lot of experience in mechanical and plant engineering. We now need to organise the targeted further development and strategic partnerships between the two plants at the respective locations," explains investor Olaf Zachert. The expertise of the two production facilities will be pooled in future, the product portfolio expanded and further developed for promising markets. Sophisticated systems and production lines from Rostock will continue to be produced for IMG customers in the future. 

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Photo credits: IMG/ZPE

Possibility for interviews

Dear media representatives,
We are available for interviews on site

Discussion partner: Olaf Zachert, Investor Zachert Private Equity GmbH (ZPE),
Tuesday, 7 January 2025, from 12 noon
Address: Ingenieurtechnik & Maschinenbau GmbH, Industriestrasse 8, 18069 Rostock

For organisational reasons we would appreciate a short registration ( ), thank you very much.

Contact for media:
Ulf Mehner / Robert Weichert (Communication ZPE),
Phone +49 172 8935317 / +49 151 41 92 46 64, 

About ZPE:
Zachert Private Equity GmbH (ZPE) is a restructuring expert with many years of experience in investing in mostly traditional medium-sized companies in often complex situations of upheaval. The primary objectives are to preserve jobs and strengthen the respective business model. To this end, the company often develops buy-and-build strategies. The founder and managing partner of the company, based in Grünheide, is Olaf Zachert. 

About IMG Rostock:
IMG Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH is a leading company in the development, planning and manufacture of complex systems and production lines. Based in Rostock, IMG is one of the world's leading providers and suppliers of systems and machine parts for the shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, aviation, steel construction and wind energy industries. The product range includes shipyard and factory planning, machining centres and transport and handling systems. For decades, IMG has stood for technologies and the highest quality "Made in Germany"


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