news aktuell GmbH

PCC BakkiSilicon hf. receives ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification for critical raw material silicon


PCC subsidiary becomes first silicon producer to receive ISCC certification, with an attested carbon footprint of just 3.1 kilograms of CO2e per kilogram of silicon.

Silicon metal plant of PCC BakkiSilicon hf. in Húsavík, Iceland, 2018; (c) PCC SE;  Editorial use only in connection with reporting on PCC.
Silicon metal plant of PCC BakkiSilicon hf. in Húsavík, Iceland, 2018; (c) PCC SE; Editorial use only in connection with reporting on PCC.

(Duisburg, Germany/Húsavík, Iceland) – Icelandic silicon metal producer PCC BakkiSilicon hf. is the first company in its sector worldwide to receive certification of its greenhouse gas balance of silicon metal in accordance with the new ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification (CFC) standard. ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) is a renowned certification system for verifiably sustainable supply chains. PCC BakkiSilicon hf. is nevertheless under strong economic pressure – and is calling for political support – due to the fact that it operates in direct competition with China, where silicon is produced with CO2 emissions many times higher than at PCC‘s plant in Iceland and in part under conditions of forced labor and then exported at dumping prices.

Following an audit at the production site in Húsavík by an independent certification body, the certificate was issued confirming a greenhouse gas footprint of 3,102.56 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per metric ton of silicon metal as manufactured in the twelve-month reference period from
July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. PCC BakkiSilicon hf. produces silicon metal in Iceland exclusively using electricity from renewable energy sources (predominantly geothermal energy).

“The fact that our subsidiary as a global pioneer in the industry has been audited in line with the ISCC standard for carbon footprint certification (CFC) confirms the validity of our strategy of setting global standards in climate protection with PCC BakkiSilicon hf.,” explains Dr. Peter Wenzel, Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of PCC SE, the Duisburg-based parent company of PCC BakkiSilicon hf.
“With a certified carbon footprint of 3.1 kilograms CO2 equivalent per kilogram of silicon, our production in Iceland is a factor of around 3.5 below the global industry average of 10.9 kilograms CO2 equivalent – and in our estimation Chinese manufacturers in particular, which dominate the world market with their dumping prices, are still operating with emissions far above this figure.”

Silicon is indispensable for the production of photovoltaic modules and also for other high-tech and climate protection applications. For example, the PCC start-up PCC Thorion GmbH is currently developing a highly efficient battery anode material based on silicon nanopowder. Since silicon

production is very energy-intensive, the emissions associated with energy supply play an important role in the overall climate balance of these applications and therefore in their effectiveness in protecting the climate. With its low carbon footprint thanks to a manufacturing regime based on renewable energy sources, PCC BakkiSilicon hf. has set the global benchmark in this regard.

“But despite this, the material produced so efficiently in environmental terms by PCC in Iceland is rarely measured by customers in Europe against criteria such as sustainability or climate protection, but still only against price,” declares Peter Wenzel. “For years, PCC has therefore been calling for support at the political level against unfair competition from cheap silicon produced under conditions that are harmful to the climate and partly in violation of human rights.” Against this background, Wenzel also points out that the construction of the plant in Iceland, which went into operation in 2018, was supported by the German government due to its importance for a raw materials strategy geared to the needs of German industry.

The analysis of the carbon footprint on which the ISCC Carbon Footprint Certificate awarded to PCC BakkiSilicon hf. is based was carried out in accordance with the ISCC guidelines for greenhouse gas calculations and the new certification approach for the carbon footprint of products from silicon metal production. The scope of the certificate covers the system boundaries of “cradle-to-gate”, i.e. the entire production process, including raw material and energy supply, transportation and manufacturing. The reference product is one metric ton of silicon metal produced in 2022 and 2023.

Profile of PCC SE
Headquartered in Duisburg, Germany, PCC SE is the parent and investment holding company of the globally active PCC Group with around 3,300 employees. Its Group companies have core competencies in the production of chemical feed stocks and specialty chemicals, silicon and silicon derivatives, and in container logistics. Managed within the Silicon & Derivatives segment, the group company PCC BakkiSilicon hf. located in Iceland operates one of the world's most advanced silicon production facilities. An investor committed to the longer term, PCC SE concentrates on continuously increasing the enterprise value of its portfolio companies through sustainable investments and the ongoing creation of new value. The largest chemical producers of the PCC Group are PCC Rokita SA, a major chlorine manufacturer and Eastern Europe's leading producer of polyols, and PCC Exol SA, one of Europe's most advanced surfactant manufacturers. PCC was founded in 1993 by Waldemar Preussner, sole shareholder of PCC SE, who today holds the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The PCC Group generated consolidated sales of € 994 million and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of some € 112 million in fiscal 2023, with capital expenditures in the same year amounting to € 142 million. For further information on PCC, go to:



Silicon metal plant of PCC BakkiSilicon hf. in Húsavík, Iceland, 2018; (c) PCC SE;  Editorial use only in connection with reporting on PCC.
Silicon metal plant of PCC BakkiSilicon hf. in Húsavík, Iceland, 2018; (c) PCC SE; Editorial use only in connection with reporting on PCC.

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