Nordic Electrofuel Signs EUR 40 million Grant from EU to Build e-SAF Plant in Norway
Nordic Electrofuel AS (“NELF”), a first of a kind developer of technology to produce electric sustainable aviation fuel (“E-SAF”), announces that the Company has signed the EUR 40 million grant from the EU Innovation Fund (“EUIF”) pilot program to support the construction one of the world’s first commercial scale e-fuel production plants, which will be located at Herøya Industrial Park, Porsgrunn, Norway.

"The team here at Nordic Electrofuel is incredibly proud to have been awarded the maximum grant allowance within the EUIF Pilot program, in fierce competition with more than 200 companies from all over Europe”, says Gunnar Holen, CEO of Nordic Electrofuel. “The award confirms Nordic Electrofuel as the pioneer in the development of technology for producing e-fuels, which is the most important alternatives for decarbonization of the aviation industry. Furthermore, it is a tribute to our extraordinary team, which has worked relentlessly to establish a robust foundation and design for one of the world's first commercial scale production facilities of its kind.“
Scoring 82.5 out of 90, NELF ranks the highest scoring project in our category - A testimony to the technical design and maturity. The scoring is based on the five criteria that are used by the EU to compare and rank Energy Transition projects. The successful projects are then allocated funds, enabling EU to meet its decarbonization targets.

With the EU Innovation Fund Grant Award, Nordic Electrofuel is now targeting Financial Close in 2024 and currently contemplating an equity private placement of EUR 100 million. The private placement has received a wide interest with Global reach and are currently supported by a Japanese conglomerate, European Financial institutions, and existing shareholders.
The EU Innovation Fund Grant will be paid on the completion of specified project milestones, with the first instalment to be paid on Financial Close.

About EU Innovation Fund:
The EU’s Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding opportunities for projects designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The fund targets highly innovative technologies and large-scale, flagship initiatives that can bring more value to Europe in terms of transitioning to a low-carbon continent. Their press release about this can be found here.
About Nordic Electrofuel AS:
Nordic Electrofuel AS (NELF AS) business idea is to produce carbon-neutral e-fuel and wax, based on synthetic hydrocarbons using renewable energy, water and CO/CO₂. E-fuel provides the most cost-effective solution for decarbonising the aviation industry. The Company has carried out analysis of our e-fuel production which confirms a 99.9% Green House Gas emission avoidance compared to fossil-based fuel. Following commencement of the E-fuel pilot plant at Herøya, Nordic Electrofuel has a portfolio of subsequent plants with a roadmap to reach a capacity of one billion litres within a decade from now. To learn more about NELF, please visit
Gunnar HolenCEO
Tel:952 55 835gunnar.holen@nordicelectrofuel.noTom Henrik SundbyCFO
Tel:+47 477 54 415Tom.Sundby@nordicelectrofuel.noLenker
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Nordic Electrofuel Awarded EUR 40 million Grant from EU to Build e-SAF Plant in Norway14.7.2023 13:12:20 CEST | Press release
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