Vårt eierselskap bytter navn til Cencora
30. august bytter vårt moderselskap, som tidligere het AmerisourceBergen, navn til Cencora. Dette er et steg på veien til å bli et sammensveiset, internasjonalt selskap med et helhetlig tjenestetilbud til kunder og samarbeidspartnere. For selskapets norske kunder og samarbeidspartnere blir det ingen forandringer på dette tidspunkt, da navnebytte for vår grossistvirksomhet, som i dag heter Alliance Healthcare Norge AS, ligger noe frem i tid. Boots Apotek vil bestå som i dag under det veletablerte Boots Apotek-navnet.
AmerisourceBergen becomes Cencora, in alignment with the company’s growing global footprint and central role in pharmaceutical access and care
New name of company reflects unified global presence and collective goal of creating healthier futures by accelerating positive outcomes for customers and their patients
Company announces more than $5 million commitment to global corporate philanthropic efforts
CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa. (August 30, 2023) – Cencora, Inc. (NYSE: COR) today announced the completion of its name and stock ticker change from AmerisourceBergen Corporation (NYSE: ABC), marking the latest stage of the company’s evolution as a leader in global pharmaceutical services. Cencora will begin trading under the new ticker symbol “COR” on the New York Stock Exchange at the open of the market trading today, August 30, 2023.
Under the new name Cencora, the company unifies its 46,000 employees – across several global business segments – under one identity, propelled by a bold vision and purpose-driven approach to creating healthier futures.
The new name underscores Cencora’s experience and vision when it comes to connecting manufacturers, providers, pharmacies and patients, and ensuring the consistent, reliable flow of treatments to those who need them at a time of growing complexity.
"Today is a significant and exciting milestone for Cencora. Our new name is a reminder of our customers, their patients, and our team members who are at the center of everything we do,” said Steven H. Collis, Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer of Cencora. “It represents the healthier futures we strive for serving as a trusted industry partner that prioritizes innovation, advocates for patient access, and advances strategic partnerships across the global pharmaceutical value chain.”
As a global healthcare company, Cencora will continue to invest in and focus on its core pharmaceutical distribution business, while also growing its platform of pharma and biopharma services to support pharmaceutical innovation and access across the globe.
Aligned with the company’s purpose, and to commemorate this seminal moment in the organization’s history, Cencora also announced a $5 million donation to the Cencora Impact Foundation, formerly known as the AmerisourceBergen Foundation, an independent not-for-profit charitable giving organization. The donation will be used to launch the Cencora Healthier Futures Grant Program, which aims to identify opportunities to support those on the front lines of healthcare in underserved populations who are driving innovation in global health. Targeted donations from the Cencora Healthier Futures Grant Program, operated by Cencora Impact Foundation, will go toward nonprofits and charities around the world that are advancing access to care and directly impacting communities in need.
The inaugural donation out of the Cencora Healthier Futures Grant Program will be a $500,000 grant made to the UNICEF Health Fund, which focuses on giving every child has the ability to survive and thrive by providing strong primary healthcare systems, training healthcare professionals, and working closely with national governments to ensure programs are replicable at scale. These system-wide responses aim to reduce the number of maternal and newborn deaths, provide children with immunizations, reduce malnutrition, address adolescent mental health, and combat the rise of non-communicable diseases.
“We are grateful for support from the Cencora Impact Foundation to help UNICEF deliver large-scale, sustainable results in ensuring the health of the world’s most vulnerable children,” said V. Renée Cutting, Chief Philanthropy Officer, UNICEF USA.
Cencora Ventures, formerly known as AB Health Ventures, the company’s dedicated corporate venture fund, has also committed to donating 10% of future realized profits to support the efforts of the Cencora Impact Foundation and its continued work to improve healthcare access globally.
For more information about the rebrand and updated design and branding elements, visit: www.cencora.com
About Cencora
Cencora is a leading global pharmaceutical solutions organization centered on improving the lives of people and animals around the world. We partner with pharmaceutical innovators across the value chain to facilitate and optimize market access to therapies. Care providers depend on us for the secure, reliable delivery of pharmaceuticals, healthcare products, and solutions. Our 46,000+ worldwide team members contribute to positive health outcomes through the power of our purpose: We are united in our responsibility to create healthier futures. Cencora is ranked #11 on the Fortune 500 and #24 on the Global Fortune 500 with more than $200 billion in annual revenue. Learn more at www.cencora.com
Lauren Esposito
Bennett S. Murphy
Anne Margrethe Aldin ThuneKommunikasjonssjef/Head of CommunicationsAlliance Healthcare Norge Apotekdrift AS/Aliance Healthcare AS/Boots Apotek
Fagredaktør, Farmasøyt
Boots Apotek/Alliance Healthcare Norge Apotekdrift AS
Alliance Healthcare Norge Apotekdrift AS eier og driver over 150 Boots Apotek i Norge. Vi har kjedekontor på Økern i Oslo og grossisten Alliance Healthcare Norge AS, med administrasjon og lager på Langhus og lager i Tromsø.
Boots, som har mer enn 160 års erfaring fra internasjonal apotekdrift, åpnet sitt første apotek i Norge i 2008. Selskapet er i dag et av verdens best kjente merkenavn. I samarbeid med forskere og spesialister innen helse og hudpleie, utvikler og produserer Boots flere bestselgende merkevarer for eksempel No7, Soap & Glory og Soltan. Disse distribueres gjennom Boots Apotek i Norge. Boots Apotek/Alliance Healthcare Norge Apotekdrift AS og Alliance Healthcare Norge AS er en del av det internasjonale selskapet Cencora.
Om Cencora
Cencora er et ledende, globalt selskap innen farmasøytiske tjenester. Vårt fokus er å forbedre livene til mennesker og dyr over hele verden. Vi samarbeider med farmasøytiske innovatører på tvers av verdikjeden for å lette og optimalisere markedstilgangen til legemiddelbehandling. Vi sørger for sikker og pålitelig leveranse av legemidler, helseprodukter og løsninger. Selskapet har 46 000+ ansatte globalt, som alle bidrar til selskapets formål: Vi står sammen om vårt ansvar for å skape en sunnere fremtid. Cencora er rangert som nr. 11 på Fortune 500 og nr. 24 på Global Fortune 500 med mer enn $200 milliarder USD i årlig omsetning. Les mer om selskapet på www.cencora.com
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