Caritas Norge

Climate change: An insurmountable obstacle to achieving zero hunger?

The Zero Hunger Conference 2019 gathers experts and practitioners on World Food Day, on October 16, to discuss solutions to the greatest dilemma in our time – sustainable food systems. After decades of decline, malnutrition began to increase in 2015, and more than 821 million people suffer from hunger in the world today. Ten years before the deadline, it is clear that the 2030 zero hunger target will not be achieved unless we manage to get back on track. The conference will last from 09.00 to 13.00.

Climate change is one of the most important drivers of increasing hunger. Food production is also one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Are there any contradictions in eradicting hunger and safeguarding our common home?
The Zero Hunger Conference will highlight research on the links between climate change and food security. We will discuss how Norwegian enterprises, academia and civil society can work together to create paths towards increased food production, compatible with the demands imposed by the goal of climate change mitigation.


09.00 – 09.05: Welcome by Secretary General of Caritas Norway, Martha Rubiano Skretteberg.

09.05 – 09.20: Keynote speech by Minister of International Development, Dag-Inge Ulstein.  Ulstein (KrF) will present the Norwegian government’s work on food security and explain how the government will work to ensure climate adaptation for those who are most affected by climate change.

09.20 – 09.30: How can innovation help combat world hunger? by Anne Poulsen, director of  the World Food Program’s (WFP) Nordic Office. Poulsen will focus on how WFP works to scale up high potential solutions to combat hunger, by providing entrepreneurs, companies and NGOs access to mentorship, financial support and WFP operations.

09.30 – 09.40: Hunger and Climate Change, by Ruth Haug, professor in development studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). In her presentation Ruth will focus on the political, economical and social aspect of hunger and the lack of political will to achieve SDG2. Based on her extensive research, she will connect the missing gaps and relate it to the challenges caused by climate change.

09.40 – 09.50: A crisis perspective on climate change and finance, by Ingrid Rostad, senior advisor at the Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment. In her presentation Ingrid will focus on the urgency of addressing both the crisis of climate change and the crisis of adequate climate finance. Ingrid was recently in New York during the High Level Meeting at the UN and will give us her view from “the belly of the beast».

09.50 – 10.00: A Perspective from the Global South, by Godfrey Onentho, Research and Policy Advocacy Coordinator at Caritas Uganda. Godfrey will share his views from the ground and explain how Caritas works in Uganda on climate adaptation and  empowerment of small holder farmers. He will also talk about climate change as an obstacle to meaningful agricultural production, food security and economic and human development in poor countries.

10.00 – 10.30: Panel debate: What can Norway do to sustainably increase food production?

Lunch break

11.00 – 13.00:  Roundtable discussions

Roundtable 1: Climate change adaption and innovation: How can we use new technology and climate-smart agriculture to reach the goal of zero hunger within 2030? Moderated by Aron Halfen (Caritas Norway) With interventions by Anne Beathe Kristiansen Tvinnereim (Centre Party), Anne Poulsen (WFP), Mehraz Rafat (The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation/Norad) and Godfrey Onentho (Caritas Uganda).

Roundtable 2: Upscaling best practice projects: How can climate-smart agricultural projects be scaled up across the Global South? Moderated by Knut Andreas Lid (Caritas Norway). With interventions by Arne Næss-Holm (Norwegian Church Aid), Marianne Jønsberg (Norfund) and Øystein Botillen (Yara).




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Caritas Norge
Caritas Norge
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0182 Oslo

+47 23 33 43 60

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Caritas Norge er en hjelpeorganisasjon som arbeider for å bedre hverdagen for mennesker i Norge og i land i Europa, Afrika, Asia og Latin-Amerika. Caritas Norge ble opprettet 1952 som Norsk Katolsk Flyktningehjelp. I 1964 ble Caritas Norge en selvstendig stiftelse. Styret er Caritas Norges øverste organ og blir valgt av rådsmøtet, hvor alle menighetene i Den katolske kirken i Norge har stemmerett. Les mer om Caritas Norges organisering i Caritas Norges vedtekter.

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Caritas gratulerer Abiy Ahmed11.10.2019 14:13:54 CEST | Pressemelding

Caritas Norge gratulerer Etiopias statsminister Abiy Ahmed med tildelingen av Nobels Fredspris. Han får prisen for fredsavtalen mellom Etiopia og Eritrea, som markerte slutten på tiår med krig mellom de to nabolandene. - Det er all grunn til å applaudere tildelingen av fredsprisen til Abiy Ahmed. Fredsforhandlingene han forpliktet seg til i det han ble valgt til president endte i en avtale som avsluttet en lang og komplisert konflikt, sier generalsekretær i Caritas Norge, Martha Rubiano Skretteberg. Eritrea var i en føderasjon med Etiopia frem til 1993, da landet ble selvstendig etter 30 år med frigjøringskamp. Det brøt ut en grensekrig mellom landene fra 1998-2000. Fredsavtalen som ble signert i år 2000 ble aldri respektert av partene, og de to landene har befunnet seg i en «no war/no peace»-situasjon siden den gang. Da statsminister Abiy Ahmed ble tilsatt prioriterte han fredssamtaler med Eritrea, aksepterte den internasjonale Alger-avtalen fra 2000 og fikk dermed slutt på den lange

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