Magnora ASA: Exercising of share options under share incentive scheme
Haakon Alfstad, Head Advisor of Magnora ASA, has exercised 25,000 of his share options and increases his share holdings in Magnora ASA.
Following this exercise, Alfstad will own 161,177 shares in Magnora ASA and his remaining balance of share options in Magnora ASA is 150,000.
Bård Olsen, CFO of Magnora ASA, has exercised 25,000 of his share options and increases his share holdings in Magnora ASA.
Following this exercise, Olsen will own 100,000 shares in Magnora ASA and his remaining balance of share options in Magnora ASA is 100,000.
Disclosure regulation
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Erik Sneve
email: es at
Torstein Sanness
Executive chairman
email: sanness at
About Magnora ASA
Magnora ASA (OSE: MGN) Magnora's portfolio of renewable companies consists of Kustvind AB, Magnora Offshore Wind AS, Magnora Solar PV UK, Hafslund Magnora Sol AS, Magnora South Africa, and AGV. Magnora also has a share in the future success of Helios Nordic Energy (Vinci Concessions), Evolar (First Solar), and Hermana Holding (design royalties). The company is listed on the main list on Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker MGN.
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