16 Søkeresultatcpo


Ny banebrytende betalingsløsning for lading av elektriske kjøretøy17.9.2024 08:15:43 CEST | Siemens | Pressemelding

Siemens, Seitatech og Tietoevry Banking lanserer en banebrytende betalingsløsning for lading av elektriske kjøretøy. Sømløs betalingsopplevelse for elbilister ved bruk av kreditt-/debetkort, mobil lommebok og bærbare enheter Et tredelt samarbeid utnytter styrkene til hverandre for en sikker, fleksibel og skalerbar løsning for ladeoperatører Fleksibilitet for CPO’er til å knytte eksisterende avtaler med valgfri innløsningsbank Effektive DC-ladere muliggjør raske ladninger med effekter fra 180kW til 400 kW
news aktuell GmbH

International retail alliance EMD starts partnership in joint sourcing of Private Label products with Colruyt Group, the leading Belgian retailer30.6.2023 09:30:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press release

(Pfäffikon/Switzerland) European Marketing Distribution (EMD) is pleased to announce a new and prominent partnership: EMD and Belgian top retailer Colruyt Group have agreed to a new partnership in the international sourcing of private label products. Colruyt Group, a successful family business, is active with its food distribution channels not only in Belgium, but also in France and Luxembourg. In the financial year 2022/23 (1 April to 31 March), the new EMD cooperation partner achieved a group-wide turnover of well over 10 billion euros. Philippe Gruyters, Managing Director of European Marketing Distribution AG, is looking forward to working with Colruyt Group on private label joint sourcing. He emphasises how well the company with its headquarters in Halle (near Brussels, Belgium) fits into EMD’s European and global network: "Colruyt Group is one of the most customer-oriented and innovative retailers with a strong private label offer. This is an excellent prerequisite for cooperation

Oslo har valgt tsjekkiske ChargeUp til å administrere ladestasjoner for elbiler7.6.2023 08:00:00 CEST | ChargeUp | Pressemelding

Praha | 06. juni 2023 - Oslo kommunes Byrådsavdeling for miljø og samferdsel har valgt ChargeUps løsning for levering av et administreringssystem for drift av ladestasjoner for elbiler. ChargeUp skal frem til 2031 fjernstyre og overvåke mer enn 2300 offentlige ladepunkter som i dag er plassert i Oslo-området og alle fremtidige ladestasjoner, som det blir 200 flere av hvert år.
news aktuell GmbH

KEBA Group AG: New milestone: KEBA with half a million wallboxes sold12.10.2022 11:00:00 CEST | news aktuell GmbH | Press release

At the beginning of 2021, the 250,000th wallbox was produced at KEBA. KEBA has already sold half a million wallboxes over the last just 20 months, making it one of the top performers in Europe. In addition to specialising in intelligent and safe charging technology, the consistent conversion of the product portfolio to climate-neutral charging solutions also boosted sales in the eMobility area of the Austrian automation expert.

New survey reveals global demand for cutting-edge solutions as Acronis cyber protect 15 is launched9.9.2020 16:02:45 CEST | Acronis | Pressemelding

London, England – September 9, 2020 – Acronis launched Acronis Cyber Protect 15, a B2B-solution integrating backup, disaster recovery, next-generation antimalware, cybersecurity, & endpoint management tools into a single solution. The findings of the Acronis Cyber Readiness Report 2020 illustrate why organizations need a cyber protection solution that reduces complexity and improves security while remaining cost-effective.
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